Time is the single biggest excuse that I hear from clients as to why they can’t train or haven’t trained.

It is the most over used excuse

“I can’t train as I don’t have time”

“I don’t get home in time”

“I’m running around with the kids and there is not enough time for me to get to the gym”

“I can’t get to training in the morning as I don’t want to be late for work and I can’t get out of bed early enough”

All these reasons whilst they seem valid to you when you are telling yourself, your training partner and ultimately a trainer, they are in fact justifications to stay where you are in life. Ouch I hear you say! Yes some tough love.

Making excuses or reasons for not training based on time are easily dismissed. If you don’t have time to train, look at the activities you do during a day or a week and look at things you can cut back on! The average Australian spends upwards of 7.5 hours every week looking at their personal digital device (smart phone or tablet). Wow – look at this suddenly 7.5 hours here you can draw on for time.

I don’t get home in time. Wait what? Do you get home at midnight and leave at 5am? Honestly how many of us don’t get home in time to do anything? Yes those with families to look after things are a little tougher but you can change the way you manage your day. If you want to make time you will find it somewhere in your day.

I’m running around after the kids and there is not enough time for me to get to the gym? Really, this one is one of my favourites. Yes looking after your kids and providing for them is your priority in life. BUT isn’t it also a priority to be the happiest, healthiest version of yourself equally as important for your children? The things you do in your life with regards to your own health and fitness are the things that you are teaching your children. The best thing you can do for them is be the best version of yourself.

Last but not least “I can’t get to training in the morning as I don’t want to be late for work and I can’t get out of bed early enough.” Well that statement speaks volumes. This is about prioritising your schedule. Make exercising a diarised event so that it doesn’t get pushed aside.

As you can see, there are changes that can be made to make time for looking after yourself. It’s funny how in today’s world so so many people make adjustments to their lives for material possessions but the one thing that we should look after first and foremost – our health we do not.

Don’t you think its time you looked after YOU!